In room 5 we created a presentation of what we liked about this year.
I created of what I liked about my learning.
This is my creation.
I am a Year 8 student at Saint Patrick's School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Mrs Dines.
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Friday, 13 December 2013
Net Books
Room 5 have been writing about how our net books helped us this year.
This is my reflection on how our net books helped us this year:
Having a net book helps me a lot because it is easier. It helps me spell words correctly. It also helps me search things up on the internet faster when I type in my key words, and helps me learn more interesting things I don’t know. If we need to find information we look for our keywords. We call it scim and scam.
On our net book we can share our learning all around the world.
Our work is always saved and doesn't get deleted.
If i want to find something quickly, I can bookmark it.
We can do our work any where that has internet.
I think a net book is better than a book because it is easier and faster.
My favorite thing about using my net book was blog posting my on my blog to show the world.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Christmas Invitation
WALT communicate by writing an invitation.
I know I have learnt this when I can write a invitation for someone else.
I know I have learnt this when I can write a invitation for someone else.
We are learning about the people of Advent.
I drew a picture of what the reading meant ' God put a star in the sky to show that a child was born. I know I have learnt this when I learn about the people of Advent. One of the Advent people are Isaiah.
This is my picture of Isaiah's reading:
I drew a picture of what the reading meant ' God put a star in the sky to show that a child was born. I know I have learnt this when I learn about the people of Advent. One of the Advent people are Isaiah.
This is my picture of Isaiah's reading:
Happy Christmas
WALT communicate using cards.
I know I have learnt this when i can communicate using a card and send it to someone.
This is my Christmas card.
I know I have learnt this when i can communicate using a card and send it to someone.
This is my Christmas card.
My Room 5 Feather
WALT understand the importance of the Maori cloak and what a cloak tells us.
Each cloaks are made from something different. There is dog skin cloaks and kiwi feather cloaks. People like chiefs or very important people wear cloaks to show that they are the head leader.
I know i have learnt this when I can make a cloak telling other people the importance of us.
We put pictures of room 5 because we are the creators.
Each cloaks are made from something different. There is dog skin cloaks and kiwi feather cloaks. People like chiefs or very important people wear cloaks to show that they are the head leader.
I know i have learnt this when I can make a cloak telling other people the importance of us.
We put pictures of room 5 because we are the creators.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
My Learning Map
I have been learning to link my blog posts to my map.
My map is showing other people about my learning.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
My Harp
We are learning about traditional instruments.
I know I have learnt this when I can explain about the instrument.
I know I have learnt this when I can explain about the instrument.
- the harp is one of the most oldest instruments
- All harps have three different colour strings
- The harp is a peaceful and beautiful instrument
Super Giant Star
WALT discover the different types of stars and communicate what life would be like a tourist there.
I know I have learnt this when I can make a postcard by communicating.
I know I have learnt this when I can make a postcard by communicating.
We are learning about Saints and inspiring people who are servants of God. I know I have learnt this when I can explain the life of the saints and inspiring people. This is my blabbermouth of my saint.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Fabulos Folding
WALT make shapes to findm the fraction.
A triangle has three equal sides, a square has four equal sides, the hexyigon has eight equal side, a oxygon has six equal sides and the pentigon has five equal sides.
I know I have learnt this when I can find the fraction in every shape.
A triangle has three equal sides, a square has four equal sides, the hexyigon has eight equal side, a oxygon has six equal sides and the pentigon has five equal sides.
I know I have learnt this when I can find the fraction in every shape.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Taurus, the bull
A constellation is made of stars. It can make any kind of picture.
I know I have learnt this when I can make a constellation.
My constellation is, TAURUS, the bull.
This is my constellation:
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
We are learning about the Rosary.
In the Rosary there are 5 mysteries,but each tell 4 stories. The mysteries are joy full mysterie,sorrowfull mysterie, lumeris mysterie and
The first bead is the 'Hail Mary'. Next you say 3 'Our Fathers' and another hail mary. After the hail mary is a mysterie. Then you say 10 our fathers and another mysterie, which you keep on saying 5 times.
In the Rosary there are 5 mysteries,but each tell 4 stories. The mysteries are joy full mysterie,sorrowfull mysterie, lumeris mysterie and
The first bead is the 'Hail Mary'. Next you say 3 'Our Fathers' and another hail mary. After the hail mary is a mysterie. Then you say 10 our fathers and another mysterie, which you keep on saying 5 times.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
WALT describe the difference between stars and planets.
I know I have learnt this when I tell the differences between stars and planets.
I know I have learnt this when I tell the differences between stars and planets.
TRAP Prayer
WALT create a prayer for the people undergoing Purgatory
Purgatory is a place where people get ready for Heaven.
Dear Almighty God
Thank you for all the people that you sent to heaven.
The people in Purgatory are reflecting on their behavior they had on earth so they can be just like God.
Please help the people to become a better person than before.
We promise that we will follow you and become the holy people you want us to be.
Purgatory is a place where people get ready for Heaven.
Dear Almighty God
Thank you for all the people that you sent to heaven.
The people in Purgatory are reflecting on their behavior they had on earth so they can be just like God.
Please help the people to become a better person than before.
We promise that we will follow you and become the holy people you want us to be.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Friday, 18 October 2013
Mission Day
WALT communicate with other people
I know I have learnt this when I can communicate with other people by writing them a invitation with the details .
I know I have learnt this when I can communicate with other people by writing them a invitation with the details .
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Dissolving Sugar
WALT conduct a fear test to find out the best way sugar can be dissolved in water.
I know I have learnt this when I can find the best way to dissolve water with sugar.
Friday, 13 September 2013
Do You Like School?
School is Fun.
School is Awesome.
School is Amazing.
School is Fantastic.
School is Spectacular.
School is Marvelous.
School is Awesome.
School is Amazing.
School is Fantastic.
School is Spectacular.
School is Marvelous.
WALT regonize discrimination, act responsibly and do it right.
First I created a presentation on discrimination and what you should do to solve it.
I know I have learnt this when I can regonize discrimination.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
A Little Bit More, A Little Bit Less
WALT solve the answer of a multiplication problem using a little bit less.
First I made a presentation of my Equation. I then wrote how I solved it and what it equals.
I know I have learnt this when I make an strategy using a little bit less.
1900's or NOW
WALT compare the early 1900's to now.
First, I made a Venn Diagram with the early 1900's to now. I know I have learnt this when I make a Venn Diagram of the 1900's and now.
Friday, 6 September 2013
Separating Materials
WALT separate an insoluble mixture using a filter.
In room 5 we were making filters to separate glitter and water which is an insoluble mixture because the water doesn't dissolve the glitter.
I know I have learnt this when I separate glitter and water.
In room 5 we were making filters to separate glitter and water which is an insoluble mixture because the water doesn't dissolve the glitter.
I know I have learnt this when I separate glitter and water.
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
I am a Good Friend
First I made a slide of what makes me a good friend.
Next I made a slide with creation. I inserted a text box and wrote why I was a good friend. Then I inserted a photo of myself and made a border of moons.
I know I have learnt this when I can maintain relationships.
This is my Slide.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
WALT know what food are good for our body's.
Chaim, Gabby and myself made a presentation about healthy food.
I know I have learnt this when I can look after my body.
Swimming- tastic
It was time to swim my fastest and race other people. I waited nervously on the side of the pool for my turn.
"Ella" the instructor called out. It was my turn to shine. The whistle blew and off I went on my back, kicking really fast to the end of the pool. Before I knew it I touched the wall and came 4th.
I waited, till I was called again. This time was freestyle swim." Get ready swimmers and go" said Archie " go". I swam and swam and swam till I reached the end and touched the wall. As I swam to get out of the pool, they handed me a card that was color bronze. That meant that I came third. I walked over to the number three platform and toke a photo.
After was Butterfly half way and Freestyle the other half.I stepped on the wall and pushed off when the whistle blew. I was winning until we swopped to over and did freestyle. I touched the wall, but the two others touched it before me. They gave me another bronze card. I stood up on the 3 stall again.
I was getting ready for my last race, Breath stroke. I Stood there and pushed off. "Go, go, go, go" they cheered. I stopped. I had came 4.
I dried myself and got dressed. I felt exhausted after that swim. It was finally time to rest.
"Ella" the instructor called out. It was my turn to shine. The whistle blew and off I went on my back, kicking really fast to the end of the pool. Before I knew it I touched the wall and came 4th.
I waited, till I was called again. This time was freestyle swim." Get ready swimmers and go" said Archie " go". I swam and swam and swam till I reached the end and touched the wall. As I swam to get out of the pool, they handed me a card that was color bronze. That meant that I came third. I walked over to the number three platform and toke a photo.
After was Butterfly half way and Freestyle the other half.I stepped on the wall and pushed off when the whistle blew. I was winning until we swopped to over and did freestyle. I touched the wall, but the two others touched it before me. They gave me another bronze card. I stood up on the 3 stall again.
I was getting ready for my last race, Breath stroke. I Stood there and pushed off. "Go, go, go, go" they cheered. I stopped. I had came 4.
I dried myself and got dressed. I felt exhausted after that swim. It was finally time to rest.
Lettuce in the Letterbox
WALT retell a story.
Greshka, Vine, Celeste, Veyonce, Isaac and me were making a video on Lettuce in the letterbox.
I know I have retold the story when I can make a oral broadcast.
Greshka, Vine, Celeste, Veyonce, Isaac and me were making a video on Lettuce in the letterbox.
I know I have retold the story when I can make a oral broadcast.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Fletcher's Family Food Factory
WALT Persuade people to build/ not build a factory on our courts.
Dear Fletcher's Family
I truly believe that building a factory on our school is incredible. Would you want to design your own playground? It would be awesome to have a factory.
I extremely believe that having a factory with CCTV is Spectacular. CCTV can protect me, CCTV can protect you, CCTV can protect everyone. CCTV can protect us because it guards our school as a security. Do you want to be protected? Everyone will be safe with CCTV.
I believe that designing a playground is exciting. How would you want to design your playground? Designing a playground is interesting designing a playground is fantastic, designing a playground is spectacular. Because if we build a factory we can design our own playground and the limit will cost less.
I believe that a competition is an awesome idea. Competitions are an awesome idea because we can compete other people. Everyone likes competition. Do you? Competitions are crazy competing other children. Building a factory is incredible because we can have a competition on drawing a playground.
Building a factory is important and will make children really happy. Building a factory is good, building a factory is exciting, building a factory is marvelous. Do you like factory's? Fletcher's family food factory is fantastic. We have CCTV to be safe. All the children will be excited about the playground. The competition will be awesome.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Bulling is Bad
WALT explain how we were bullied and how we felt.
In room 5 we were talking about bulling. We wrote how we felt when we were bullied.
I know I have learnt this when I explain how we felt when we were bullied.
In room 5 we were talking about bulling. We wrote how we felt when we were bullied.
I know I have learnt this when I explain how we felt when we were bullied.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
WALT use AFOREST in a persuasive text.
In room 5 we have been talking about starting school early or not. There were two groups. In each group we had to discuss about why we should start school or not.
I know I have learnt this when I know what AFOREST is and use it in my persuasive text.
A- Alliteration, Destinys diary got dirty in the dirt.
F- Facts and Figures, The light from the sun reaches earth in 8 minutes.
O- Opinion, I truly believe starting school earlier is fantastic.
R- Rhetorical question, Are you listening?
E- Emotive language, Spiders are gross and creepy and will crawl up in your ears.
S- Superlaterive, Starting school early is the best.
T- Threes, My mum is awesome, my mum is fun, my mum is helpful.
In room 5 we have been talking about starting school early or not. There were two groups. In each group we had to discuss about why we should start school or not.
I know I have learnt this when I know what AFOREST is and use it in my persuasive text.
A- Alliteration, Destinys diary got dirty in the dirt.
F- Facts and Figures, The light from the sun reaches earth in 8 minutes.
O- Opinion, I truly believe starting school earlier is fantastic.
R- Rhetorical question, Are you listening?
E- Emotive language, Spiders are gross and creepy and will crawl up in your ears.
S- Superlaterive, Starting school early is the best.

Monday, 19 August 2013
Room 5 is learning all about healthy food ideas. We created a brainstorm with Breakfast snacks dinner and lunch. Underneath had a whole list of healthy meals that you could make, But before, we researched recipes for that meal. There is smoothies,
corn cakes raspberry yogurt loaf ham and egg mini pies and a lot more. This is my brainstorm.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
My Super Healthy Pyramid
WALT know what foods are healthy for your body.
We are learning this because God made us and we have to respect his creation by eating healthy and doing exercise
I know this because I take care of my body and eat healthy.
We are learning this because God made us and we have to respect his creation by eating healthy and doing exercise
I know this because I take care of my body and eat healthy.
Monday, 12 August 2013
Shopping with my Birthday Sister
Today is my sisters birthday and I want to wish her a Happy happy birthday.
The sun came up, over the mountain. This is an exciting day today for my sisters birthday.
I woke up and said Happy birthday. Also I gave my present which was a card and a note book for writing. This is only in the morning.
As it got later, it was time to go shopping for clothes, shoes and jewelry. We were driving a long the motorway heading to Manukau.
I hopped out of the car and saw the theme park Rainbow end with people screaming. But we were heading to the mall.
First was shop number one, Number one shoe shop. We all walked inside the store and could see a lot of shoes everywhere. Before I knew I saw a pair of shoes that I love. I checked the size, and that size was perfect. These shoes are high chucks that go up to my knees. My sister looked and looked and looked until there were nothing.
Next was shop number two, Postie Plus. There were a lot of clothes in this shop. I looked at every clothing for kids and found such a pretty jumper with hearts. I tried it on in the fitting room. Perfect.
My sister found one pair of jeans, one shirt to wear and a jacket to be warm.
After was shop number three, Farmers. Farmers was a mixed store with all sorts of products, like school bags, shoes, clothes, birthday presents and a lot more. My sister bought pairs of clothes and a school bag for school.
Finally was time to buy a scrumptious cake, Yummy.
I had an awesome day shopping around the mall.
The sun came up, over the mountain. This is an exciting day today for my sisters birthday.
I woke up and said Happy birthday. Also I gave my present which was a card and a note book for writing. This is only in the morning.
As it got later, it was time to go shopping for clothes, shoes and jewelry. We were driving a long the motorway heading to Manukau.
I hopped out of the car and saw the theme park Rainbow end with people screaming. But we were heading to the mall.
First was shop number one, Number one shoe shop. We all walked inside the store and could see a lot of shoes everywhere. Before I knew I saw a pair of shoes that I love. I checked the size, and that size was perfect. These shoes are high chucks that go up to my knees. My sister looked and looked and looked until there were nothing.
Next was shop number two, Postie Plus. There were a lot of clothes in this shop. I looked at every clothing for kids and found such a pretty jumper with hearts. I tried it on in the fitting room. Perfect.
My sister found one pair of jeans, one shirt to wear and a jacket to be warm.
After was shop number three, Farmers. Farmers was a mixed store with all sorts of products, like school bags, shoes, clothes, birthday presents and a lot more. My sister bought pairs of clothes and a school bag for school.
Finally was time to buy a scrumptious cake, Yummy.
I had an awesome day shopping around the mall.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Slimy Adventure
I went on a slimy adventure with Destiny my sister and Brooklyn my cousin . There was slime on our feet or slime on our hands. Slime was everywhere, like on the ground or on the wall. Slime, Slime, Slime EVERYWHERE. This is my Slimy adventure, what is yours?
Friday, 9 August 2013
30 Beans One Shape
WALT create our own estimations, measure them, then compare them.
First I estimated or guessed how much beans could fit on my shape. Next I checked, and then I wrote if I was right or wrong. Last I took a picture of my 30 beans.
I know I have learnt this when I can estimate, measure them and then compare them.
First I estimated or guessed how much beans could fit on my shape. Next I checked, and then I wrote if I was right or wrong. Last I took a picture of my 30 beans.
I know I have learnt this when I can estimate, measure them and then compare them.
Spectacular Persuasion Map
Room 5 was making a persuasion map and wrote a persuasion text.
A persuasion text starts with a thesis. Next is three main reasons and examples for each reason. A persuasion text ends with a conclusion. I know I have learnt this when I have got my structure .
Friday, 2 August 2013
Our Rectangle Shape
WALT use non-standard measures to find the area of a shape

In this photo we made a shape and made an estimation of how many people could fit sitting inside the shape. We were trying to find out the area of our shape using our body. This is a non standard unit of measure. A non standard unit of measure is not the same size.

In this photo we wrote down our
estimate and checked our answer.
I was wrong because I said that six people would fit in the area of the shape, but the right answer was eight.
I know I have learnt this when I can draw my shape, estimate and check.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
My Three Awesome Goals for Term Three
WALT write goals to help us measure our learning.
I know that I have learnt this when I can achieve my goals.
My goal for writing is to use ambitious vocab to make my story interesting and to persuade people to change their minds to our own ideas. We always use six exciting words. This is important because we want the reader to be interested in what we have wrote. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be read it with my partner and ask if it has persuaded them.
My goal for Reading is to understand the words that I think are tricky and read all sorts of different books like magazines, comics, newspapers and chapter books. This is important because I can be able to understand all the words that are tricky. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be to sound the word out, read the sentence over again, look at the picture, check with a buddy and check the dictionary.
My goal for Maths is to get put into a higher group and have a better score in my basic facts test.
This is important because when I get older I can know all the answers in the maths test. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be doing my best and show that I am able to answer all the questions in my basic facts test.
WALT discover the true meaning of respect
I know I have learnt it when my group and I golden rule represents respect. Our digital learning shows what we think respect means to us.
I know I have learnt it when my group and I golden rule represents respect. Our digital learning shows what we think respect means to us.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Landing or Taking off
Planes land and take off every time they go to different countries.
This day I was in a car. I saw a plane fly right over me as the car moved. I then looked out more to see if there was one more coming.
Next was a parking lot where you could see a lot more fly above and land. There I saw 2 taking off and 2 landing. As I watched it, I saw that the plane was peppering to land and opening up it's wheels.
This looked amazing. Have you ever been on a plane before?
This day I was in a car. I saw a plane fly right over me as the car moved. I then looked out more to see if there was one more coming.

This looked amazing. Have you ever been on a plane before?
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Butterfly Creek where Animals Live
This day is such a surprising and sunny day to go Butterfly Creek. I can't wait.
After everybody has packed everything it is time to blast off to Butterfly Creek.
As we parked up ,stopped, got out and headed to the entrance, my hands were shaking with excitement.
It was amazing looking at all those toys of insects but not as amazing as seeing the butterfly's. But before that of course we had to pay. This lady strapped a band around my wrist and a stamp on top of my hand, even to my baby brother.
First was the fish. There were big fish, small fish, colorful fish or just plain. I even saw one fish chasing another like tag. There then came a humongous fish that swam by, but I thought it was guarding up top.
Next was the butterfly's. This room was hot, good thing I wore a t- shirt. Just to be warned the butterfly's are not at all locked up in a cage, they fly around free. One had colours everywhere but the other was just coloured blue. But I saw a butterfly dead inside the pond. That was sad.
But there were more, there were monkeys hanging from tree to tree.
After wards it was crocodiles. I was scared and hid behind my dads back. There were one BIG crocodile looking right at me, freaky. Also there was a little lizard looking. It came right to me and stopped.
I began shaking, this is the room with spiders in it. Aaaaaaaaa. I saw such a big big big fluffy spider in a little dolls house, and in the desert, and in the forest but anywhere. this was a scary room, so I left.
Farm or train. Farm. In the farm where all the sheep and horses and goats and pigs and chickens and parrots and bunny's and kangaroos were keepen, is where I fed animals. This is what I liked best, feeding the animals. They lick and tickle on your hand like they are about to eat your hand. But I really liked this.
''Time to go'' shouted my dad to me. ''Okay'' I answered. Today was the day I would never forget.
After everybody has packed everything it is time to blast off to Butterfly Creek.
As we parked up ,stopped, got out and headed to the entrance, my hands were shaking with excitement.
It was amazing looking at all those toys of insects but not as amazing as seeing the butterfly's. But before that of course we had to pay. This lady strapped a band around my wrist and a stamp on top of my hand, even to my baby brother.
First was the fish. There were big fish, small fish, colorful fish or just plain. I even saw one fish chasing another like tag. There then came a humongous fish that swam by, but I thought it was guarding up top.
Next was the butterfly's. This room was hot, good thing I wore a t- shirt. Just to be warned the butterfly's are not at all locked up in a cage, they fly around free. One had colours everywhere but the other was just coloured blue. But I saw a butterfly dead inside the pond. That was sad.
But there were more, there were monkeys hanging from tree to tree.
After wards it was crocodiles. I was scared and hid behind my dads back. There were one BIG crocodile looking right at me, freaky. Also there was a little lizard looking. It came right to me and stopped.
I began shaking, this is the room with spiders in it. Aaaaaaaaa. I saw such a big big big fluffy spider in a little dolls house, and in the desert, and in the forest but anywhere. this was a scary room, so I left.
Farm or train. Farm. In the farm where all the sheep and horses and goats and pigs and chickens and parrots and bunny's and kangaroos were keepen, is where I fed animals. This is what I liked best, feeding the animals. They lick and tickle on your hand like they are about to eat your hand. But I really liked this.
''Time to go'' shouted my dad to me. ''Okay'' I answered. Today was the day I would never forget.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Grandpas Special Day
This was a special day for one person in the house, my grandpa, Tai. It was his birthday.
At first I wished my grandpa a Happy birthday and gave my card. For a few hours my grandpa visited all his friends and had lunch. That is when my mum made butterfly cupcakes with her yummy home made biscuits, as my dad made a barbecue.
A bit later my grandpa arrived with a cake with strawberry's on top.
As it got dark it was time to eat the barbecue. I ate a sausage in a bread, chicken, chips and vegetable's. The last thing was cake. We sang Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you as he blew the candle out. I ate mine up in one gulp.
As I headed to bed I hugged my grandpa and went to sleep.
At first I wished my grandpa a Happy birthday and gave my card. For a few hours my grandpa visited all his friends and had lunch. That is when my mum made butterfly cupcakes with her yummy home made biscuits, as my dad made a barbecue.
A bit later my grandpa arrived with a cake with strawberry's on top.
As it got dark it was time to eat the barbecue. I ate a sausage in a bread, chicken, chips and vegetable's. The last thing was cake. We sang Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you as he blew the candle out. I ate mine up in one gulp.
As I headed to bed I hugged my grandpa and went to sleep.
Monday, 22 July 2013
Gummy Gummy Gummy Bears
I fell asleep and dreamt of kind, gentle gummy bears.
As I walked into the land of gummy bears I saw candy and chocolate
There were candy canes, ice cream, lollie pops, bars of chocolate and even jelly. I started to eat some.
Then I have arrived to the kingdom of gummy bears, and their kingdom had icing all over.
That day they were very kind, but the next they weren't at all.
Since all the gummy bears had knew I ate their land they never ever let me inside their kingdom again. So I was very very upset of them and they felt happy.
I woke up feeling upset and lonely.
As I walked into the land of gummy bears I saw candy and chocolate
There were candy canes, ice cream, lollie pops, bars of chocolate and even jelly. I started to eat some.
Then I have arrived to the kingdom of gummy bears, and their kingdom had icing all over.
That day they were very kind, but the next they weren't at all.
Since all the gummy bears had knew I ate their land they never ever let me inside their kingdom again. So I was very very upset of them and they felt happy.
I woke up feeling upset and lonely.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Night Market
Night market, I heard my dad say.
This night market is in Pakuraga every Saturday and this Saturday we were all going there.
As we got to the entrance, we each started walking down towards the first isle. We looked at watches, toys, hats and more. The second isle was lights massage fruit and t- shirts. And the third, which was the food isle.
My dinner was dumplings, my next was kebab and for my treat I had an ice cream. I then waited with my dad in the noodle shop well my sister, mum and baby brother waited in the car. It was ready.
When we were on the way home I was thinking about my sleep.
This night market is in Pakuraga every Saturday and this Saturday we were all going there.
As we got to the entrance, we each started walking down towards the first isle. We looked at watches, toys, hats and more. The second isle was lights massage fruit and t- shirts. And the third, which was the food isle.
My dinner was dumplings, my next was kebab and for my treat I had an ice cream. I then waited with my dad in the noodle shop well my sister, mum and baby brother waited in the car. It was ready.
When we were on the way home I was thinking about my sleep.
Twinkle Little Star
Tirama, Tirama nga whetu
Kei te aha ra koutou
Kei runga a ke ra
Taimana to rite e
Tirama, Tirama nga whetu
Kei te aha ra koutou.
Kei te aha ra koutou
Kei runga a ke ra
Taimana to rite e
Tirama, Tirama nga whetu
Kei te aha ra koutou.
Holidays of Love
Holidays are fun
Holidays are cool
Holidays are fantastic
Holidays are amazing
Holidays are surprising
Holidays are awesome
But only because of YOU
Holidays are cool
Holidays are fantastic
Holidays are amazing
Holidays are surprising
Holidays are awesome
But only because of YOU
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Good Luck
This day started when I woke up, went toilet, eat breakfast and then get dressed. All I wanted to do was play games.
Today was going to be the most awesome day. Kelvin, my dad, Angela my mum, Destiny my sister, Leroy my baby brother and myself went for a trip to Town.
But before we boarded, each of us needed a ticket.
It is my baby brothers first train ride and he quite enjoyed it. As the train stopped by the train station, we all got off. Before entering all the people scanned their tickets. I scanned mine too.
Once we were outside, it was time to explore. We walked and walked and walked until I had pain in my legs. But it went in a flash when we arrived to the center. It had rides, ice skating and a lot more.
As I watched the rides go, I ate my lunch.
After all that excitement, we entered a new place. It was the spaces which are games. My sister and I each got given $5.
The best game I liked was the car game. 2 coins, one game it said, so I entered my two coins. START.
First was forwards, then side and then the other side. It was so hard. But then it came to a conner, and in that conner I did not crash at all.
Game Over.
Next I tried the magic key. All I had to do was get the key right in the middle of the item, and that item was a I Pad. I tried once, twice and three times but it didn't work, so that was it.
We all thanked our mum and dad for the such fun we had. I really really really loved today.
Today was going to be the most awesome day. Kelvin, my dad, Angela my mum, Destiny my sister, Leroy my baby brother and myself went for a trip to Town.
But before we boarded, each of us needed a ticket.
It is my baby brothers first train ride and he quite enjoyed it. As the train stopped by the train station, we all got off. Before entering all the people scanned their tickets. I scanned mine too.
Once we were outside, it was time to explore. We walked and walked and walked until I had pain in my legs. But it went in a flash when we arrived to the center. It had rides, ice skating and a lot more.
As I watched the rides go, I ate my lunch.
After all that excitement, we entered a new place. It was the spaces which are games. My sister and I each got given $5.
The best game I liked was the car game. 2 coins, one game it said, so I entered my two coins. START.
First was forwards, then side and then the other side. It was so hard. But then it came to a conner, and in that conner I did not crash at all.
Game Over.
Next I tried the magic key. All I had to do was get the key right in the middle of the item, and that item was a I Pad. I tried once, twice and three times but it didn't work, so that was it.
We all thanked our mum and dad for the such fun we had. I really really really loved today.
Monday, 15 July 2013
Light Night of Matariki
Every Sarurday it is Matariki light night and it is AMAZING.
There were shapes, a bunny, reindeer and a lot more. There was even a park.
It got darker and darker, but the lights got lighter and lighter. We then saw the end and felt a bit sad there were no more. But on the way out I recognized that all this was celebrating MATARIKI.
There were shapes, a bunny, reindeer and a lot more. There was even a park.
It got darker and darker, but the lights got lighter and lighter. We then saw the end and felt a bit sad there were no more. But on the way out I recognized that all this was celebrating MATARIKI.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
The Extraordinary Adventures of Travelling Ted
In the classroom ,one at a time, each child takes Ted home for the holidays.
While Ted was sitting on the desk he accidently fell into Phoenix's bag. Along came Phoenix, grabbed his bag and left for home. Once Phoenix got home and opened his bag he found Ted.
Phoenix liked to do everything with Ted, sleeping, reading stories and even skiing. Nana said to take a first aid kit incase.
They were having fun skiing, until they both crashed. Ted knew what to do, he should find the whistle. So ted found the whistle and called for help. Some people came to rescue Phoenix and left Ted behind. Suddenly a furry creature came over and took Ted to his cave. Phoenix started to miss Ted. But then one day there came a knock. And Ted was at the door.
The next day it was school day. Phoenix bought a lot of pictures of him and Ted along with him.
But Ted knew about another adventure he could go on.
While Ted was sitting on the desk he accidently fell into Phoenix's bag. Along came Phoenix, grabbed his bag and left for home. Once Phoenix got home and opened his bag he found Ted.
Phoenix liked to do everything with Ted, sleeping, reading stories and even skiing. Nana said to take a first aid kit incase.
They were having fun skiing, until they both crashed. Ted knew what to do, he should find the whistle. So ted found the whistle and called for help. Some people came to rescue Phoenix and left Ted behind. Suddenly a furry creature came over and took Ted to his cave. Phoenix started to miss Ted. But then one day there came a knock. And Ted was at the door.
The next day it was school day. Phoenix bought a lot of pictures of him and Ted along with him.
But Ted knew about another adventure he could go on.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Hand Washing
WALT discover what we can do to help save water when washing hands
I made a presentation telling people how to wash their hands. I drew a tap, a soap and a hand. At the back I wrote in English and different languages how to wash hands. This is my presentation about washing hands.
I know I have learnt this when I can save water.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
My School Poem
School times almost over,
School times almost done.
We had a lot of learning,
We had a lot of fun.
We'll say good bye to teachers,
and put our chrome books away.
Our term is now over,
but I still do my learning every day.
School times almost done.
We had a lot of learning,
We had a lot of fun.
We'll say good bye to teachers,
and put our chrome books away.
Our term is now over,
but I still do my learning every day.
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Tippty Tapp
WALT discover what we can do to help save the water when washing hands.
Room 5 was making a tippy tap. We used a lot of equipment to make it.
I know that I have learnt this when I have saved water when washing my hands.
You could build your own.
Spectacular Shark
WALT sketch using a pencil and to blend pastel colours together.
Room 5 is learning to blend colours together. Blending is one colour changing into another colour and you dont know where it changes .
Everyone made their own creatures out side and inside. I made a big shark using the blending, white into black.
I know I have learnt this when I have blended the colours in.
Room 5 is learning to blend colours together. Blending is one colour changing into another colour and you dont know where it changes .
Everyone made their own creatures out side and inside. I made a big shark using the blending, white into black.
I know I have learnt this when I have blended the colours in.
Water Cycle
WALT write a water cycle report
I know I can do this when
- I can plan my writing using a mind map
- I can group my ideas under headings
- I can group my ideas into paragraphs
- I can write an introduction and a conclusion
- I can introduce each paragraph by using a topic sentence
- I can put material into my own words
This is my water cycle report.
In the water cycle there are three parts. One is Rain, another is Water storage, Vapor and Clouds. This is how it goes.
Precipitation occurs is when rain falls out of the clouds and covers the whole earth.The clouds are heavy and can’t hold the rain in . Hail freezes up in the clouds and hail comes out,but if it does not freeze rain comes out. Out the rain comes and covers every where. It fills up lakes, streams and oceans. When rain falls it turns into hail or snow. Sleet is a type of hail.
The water falls out of the clouds and rains and rains. First the water falls onto the surface of the earth. All the water gets soaked up to the underground. It is storing the water till it stops raining. When the underground is storing the water, it is called aquifer. Water is needed for the earth. People pump the water up and it gets sucked out.
Once the rain has stopped the sun comes out. The water that is keeped underground starts to rise up. It heats up from the land or the ground. All of the water goes into the trees and plants, until it gets hotter and starts to turn into steam, or vapor. The sun begins to get hotter and the water starts to rise up to the clouds. That is Transpiration.
It rains, until the sun comes out. The sun heats the water into steam and it rises up to the clouds. When vapor in the air gets cold, it turns into liquid. That is called condensation.
It freezes into ice until it turns hot. That is when it goes back up into the clouds until it gets heavy again. That is called the water cycle.
The water cycle will never end, it goes round and round, starting all over again. It rains and rains and rains.
Poverty Video
Each group made videos about poverty in Africa. We explain why there is poverty in Africa and how it can stop.
I know I have learnt this when I can tell why there is poverty in Africa to other people.
Monday, 8 July 2013
My Fantastic Mihi Presentation
WALT introducing our selves in maori.
Room 5 are learning about Mihis. A mihi is introducing your self in maori.
I know that I have learnt this because I have introduced myself and my family in maori and in english.
This is my presentation of my Mihi.
My Awesome Washing Hands Presentation
WALT teach the people in other countries
Washing hands is important because germs can spread if we don't wash our hands.
Room 5 was learning about washing hands and about germs spreading. Each of us were working in groups or by ourselves, doing a presentation about washing hands.
Step 1. Turn on the Tap. Step 2. Put soap on your hands. Step 3. Rub the soap together, count to 20 and rub all over. Step 4. Rinse your hands and sing the happy birthday song. Step 5. Turn off the tap. Step 6. Dry your hands. I know I have learnt when I can teach people to wash their hands properly.
Washing hands is important because germs can spread if we don't wash our hands.
Room 5 was learning about washing hands and about germs spreading. Each of us were working in groups or by ourselves, doing a presentation about washing hands.
Step 1. Turn on the Tap. Step 2. Put soap on your hands. Step 3. Rub the soap together, count to 20 and rub all over. Step 4. Rinse your hands and sing the happy birthday song. Step 5. Turn off the tap. Step 6. Dry your hands. I know I have learnt when I can teach people to wash their hands properly.
Friday, 5 July 2013
Letter of Anointing of the Sick
WALT recognise that each sacrament makes presents its own special grace
My teacher gave me a letter and the letter she gave me was G. My G looked bold, so I added colour.
First I used Word art and wrote Love, Hope, Strength and Courage. I know that the people have these when they have anointing of the sick.

First I used Word art and wrote Love, Hope, Strength and Courage. I know that the people have these when they have anointing of the sick.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Enjoyable Fun
The bell rang and school was over, but not my learning. I had swimming lessons at the Y.M.C.A pools.
Once I got there I saw my friend's, Chaim and Kevin. They told me they were trialing. Trailing is when you try out for a group, and they were trying out for swim 4. We were waiting and waiting and waiting until we got bored. So up we got and started to play a game. Actually a lot of games. Breathing compition, water tag and racing. Me Kevin, Chaim, my sister and I played Breathing compition. I came first, Kevin came first and my sister, but Chaim stopped half way. We got really tired , so I came up with an idea. Lets play water tag. " Run, run" we shouted. Kevin was in, my sister was in, I was in and Chaim was in. It was enjoyable until our teacher arrived. I LOVED swimming time.
Once I got there I saw my friend's, Chaim and Kevin. They told me they were trialing. Trailing is when you try out for a group, and they were trying out for swim 4. We were waiting and waiting and waiting until we got bored. So up we got and started to play a game. Actually a lot of games. Breathing compition, water tag and racing. Me Kevin, Chaim, my sister and I played Breathing compition. I came first, Kevin came first and my sister, but Chaim stopped half way. We got really tired , so I came up with an idea. Lets play water tag. " Run, run" we shouted. Kevin was in, my sister was in, I was in and Chaim was in. It was enjoyable until our teacher arrived. I LOVED swimming time.
My Excellent Simile

I drew a scientist as my picture. My digital life is like a scientist because it is smart. I know that I have made a simile when I draw a simile of my digital life. This is my Simile picture:
Sunday, 30 June 2013
The Smurth Scientsist
In the story of The Smurf Apprentice, the characters are Papa smurf and Brainy smurf . It goes like this.
A far too young smurf wants to be like his papa, and become a scientist. But instead he steals a page from Gargamel's book of spells to create a position. Gargamel's spell turned him into a monster. After Papa smurf makes a position for Brainy smurf, he turns back to normal. The town was saved.
A far too young smurf wants to be like his papa, and become a scientist. But instead he steals a page from Gargamel's book of spells to create a position. Gargamel's spell turned him into a monster. After Papa smurf makes a position for Brainy smurf, he turns back to normal. The town was saved.
Mummy Mayhem
The day started off really fine, until I started to get bored. "Can we go to the library" I asked my mum "Please". All she did was nod her head.
As we arrived in front, I was thinking of how many books I should borrow.
And I borrowed 10 books. The first book was called Mummy Mayhem. In this book there are 4 characters. They are named Jennie, Beth, Sam and especially a mummy. The story is about a dog who loves to solve mysteries. Jennie and Beth are going on a school trip without Sam. Their class is visiting the museum to learn about ancient Egypt, a time and place filled with mysteries. But the mystery soon finds Sam. There is dog treats in the snow. What is the mystery chanting? A Mummy. They soon find out that a mummy is travelling the town looking for a dog just like Sam.
At night they were walking around when the mummy caught them. The mystery was solved. It was only Marion Wutherspoon.
As we arrived in front, I was thinking of how many books I should borrow.
And I borrowed 10 books. The first book was called Mummy Mayhem. In this book there are 4 characters. They are named Jennie, Beth, Sam and especially a mummy. The story is about a dog who loves to solve mysteries. Jennie and Beth are going on a school trip without Sam. Their class is visiting the museum to learn about ancient Egypt, a time and place filled with mysteries. But the mystery soon finds Sam. There is dog treats in the snow. What is the mystery chanting? A Mummy. They soon find out that a mummy is travelling the town looking for a dog just like Sam.
At night they were walking around when the mummy caught them. The mystery was solved. It was only Marion Wutherspoon.
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Turning 1
Leroy, my baby brother, is turning 1. He has been living in this world for only 1 year.
We planed to make yummy cup cakes.
In the morning I woke up feeling excited for Leroy. I then opened up the sliding door and found yummy, yummy cup cakes. My baby brother woke up, talking, very loud. Just as I was leaving I gave Leroy a big lucky kiss.
After school my sister, mum the birthday boy and I headed to the Cheese Cake Shop. The cake we chose was a double choc strawberry flavor. Afterwards when we were all home, my uncle and cousin came over. WE gave Leroy his presents to open. First was mine, a mickey mouse cushion. Next we opened up my grandpas, a mickey mouse doll. Lastly it was my uncles, a cuddle pet, amazing lights.
He was getting more and more excited because we were all going to sing. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Leroy, happy birthday to you. That is when he tried his first chocolate cup cake. After dinner, our lovely burgers, we had cake. It was delicious. But most of all it was LEROY.
We planed to make yummy cup cakes.
In the morning I woke up feeling excited for Leroy. I then opened up the sliding door and found yummy, yummy cup cakes. My baby brother woke up, talking, very loud. Just as I was leaving I gave Leroy a big lucky kiss.
After school my sister, mum the birthday boy and I headed to the Cheese Cake Shop. The cake we chose was a double choc strawberry flavor. Afterwards when we were all home, my uncle and cousin came over. WE gave Leroy his presents to open. First was mine, a mickey mouse cushion. Next we opened up my grandpas, a mickey mouse doll. Lastly it was my uncles, a cuddle pet, amazing lights.
He was getting more and more excited because we were all going to sing. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Leroy, happy birthday to you. That is when he tried his first chocolate cup cake. After dinner, our lovely burgers, we had cake. It was delicious. But most of all it was LEROY.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Brethstroke Glide
"Glide, Arms, kick and Breathe" I thought as I was walking to the pools. My sister and I have swimming lessons on every Tuesdays. We arrived at the front door and walked inside. I grabbed out my member card and scanned it. Next I walked into the girls changing rooms and got dressed into my togs. In my sister came to get changed too. Out I went, along with my sister, to get ready for my lesson. When I was waiting, into the door my swimming teacher, Archie, walked in. "Over here" shouted my teacher, waving her hands. Over my sister and I walked. Firstly before we swam my sister, swimming group and I do stretch's. Do this, do that, said Archie. Finally she said " Over to the pool". The instructions was backstroke, breathe stroke, butterfly and then freestyle. I had to breathe a lot because it was so tiring. Finally it was the next stroke and that stroke was breathe stroke. "Glide, Arms, Kick and Breathe"she said. Off I went and did the stroke as she had said. That is when I stopped because I had to see if I had stopped in the right line with my partner. Breathe stroke, breathe stroke and breathe stroke we did until it had been an whole hour. " Good job" Archie said to me. Good Bye.
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Spectacular Movie After Earth
Have you ever watched a movie? Well I have watched this new movie called After Earth. It all started when my dad, sister and I were receiving tickets for the movie. " Are you hungry for anything' asked my dad. "Popcorn" I shouted out loudly. Next was movie time. Away we went, heading towards the entrance. Clip, went the sound of our ticket. " Over by the big X and to the door on your right. It was really loud once we were inside, but it was too loud. Once I seated in my seat I started eating. The lights started to go out as the movie came up on the screen.
He was a boy and had not seen his farther for a long time. One day when he was older he had finally seen his dad. He was coming to visit. Then his dad had arrived at his house. When it became night the boy was listening to what his dad was saying. He wanted to become a member of his crew on a rocket. His dad allowed him to come, but once he left he was no longer thinking that. Boom, there came a sound and again. "Ahhhh" people were screaming. The rocket was crashing.
Everybody died except for him and his dad. Except that his dad had a broken leg. " Please son, go get a beaken. "Okay " he replied. So he travelled and travelled and travelled until he reached it. Finally he returned with the beaken, but not in time. His dad had died.
Words started to appear and it was finished.
It was spectacular.
He was a boy and had not seen his farther for a long time. One day when he was older he had finally seen his dad. He was coming to visit. Then his dad had arrived at his house. When it became night the boy was listening to what his dad was saying. He wanted to become a member of his crew on a rocket. His dad allowed him to come, but once he left he was no longer thinking that. Boom, there came a sound and again. "Ahhhh" people were screaming. The rocket was crashing.
Everybody died except for him and his dad. Except that his dad had a broken leg. " Please son, go get a beaken. "Okay " he replied. So he travelled and travelled and travelled until he reached it. Finally he returned with the beaken, but not in time. His dad had died.
Words started to appear and it was finished.
It was spectacular.
Friday, 21 June 2013
Peaceful Prayer
WALT to write a healing prayer
First I thought about writing thank you to God. I thought of writing thank you for doctors and nurses who look after us when we are hurt, and thank you for looking over those who have no food, water, shelter and health. So I wrote it down. I know that I have learnt to write a healing prayer when I tell God why I want them to be healed. This is my prayer.
First I thought about writing thank you to God. I thought of writing thank you for doctors and nurses who look after us when we are hurt, and thank you for looking over those who have no food, water, shelter and health. So I wrote it down. I know that I have learnt to write a healing prayer when I tell God why I want them to be healed. This is my prayer.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
My Special Synonym Wheel
WALT write exciting vocabulary instead of boring words.
Mrs Richardson gave us a word that we choose. I reached my hand inside and pulled out the word yell. Next I open up Sumo paint and started with my background. Then I clicked on an object to make I circle. As I went onto the Thesaurus page and looked up yell. It had a lot of words. After a while I had a lot of different and vocabulary than Yell. I know that I can use exciting words because I will use words like scream and shout instead of yell.
Mrs Richardson gave us a word that we choose. I reached my hand inside and pulled out the word yell. Next I open up Sumo paint and started with my background. Then I clicked on an object to make I circle. As I went onto the Thesaurus page and looked up yell. It had a lot of words. After a while I had a lot of different and vocabulary than Yell. I know that I can use exciting words because I will use words like scream and shout instead of yell.
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Awesome Rugby Player
My dad Kelvin, is a rugby player. I love cheering for him saying" Go go go, Score score score. Every time I cheer he scores a goal. His team is called Marist. He lifts, tackles and run really fast. I love my dad. I know that one day he could be in the All Blacks.
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Jesus Healing the Sick
WALT recognise how people are healed by faith in Jesus and by his touch.
First we read the story of Luke 8.26-39. Next we had to draw an before and after picture. The first drawing I drew was the man sad. Afterwards he was happy. This is what it looks like:
Thursday, 30 May 2013
My Smart Top Tip
WALT leave positive and specific comments.
Our learning was to write down our Top Tips. I decorated mine with a lot of question marks. This is my Top Tip Poster:
Our learning was to write down our Top Tips. I decorated mine with a lot of question marks. This is my Top Tip Poster:
Monday, 27 May 2013
My Amazing Rugby Cousin
I have a seven year old cousin who loves to play Rugby. Every Saturday he plays at the Pakuranga Club with his group Octopus's. My cousin always likes to play with them before the game. They verse different teams every time they play. First they have practice time before the game. The things that they learn is to pass. Once, he passed it front and not back. The rules are to pass back but not forwards. Then the game started. My Uncle, Sister and me were cheering for him. Pass pass, people were saying. My cousin was getting all the scores. LUCKY. Him and his team won. I felt proud for him. We all wonder if he will always play and become an famous rugby player.
Sunday, 26 May 2013
The Big Day Out
I was tired to walk once more! I was walking to Sylvia Park [ A mall] with my Baby Brother, Sister and Dad. As we arrived it just started to rain. We just got inside, all safe and sound, before it poured down. When I stepped in it was different then outside. It was LOUD. I was excited because I could buy a lot of material. The first stop we went to was the food court. We were starving. I ate Butter Chicken. It was delicious. Next I got to chose. The Two Dollor Shop. As we reached there, I was thinking to buy books because I love reading. So I did. A lot more shops we passed by, but there was no time to stop. My mum was picking us up. Once more we stopped at Wendy's and got a shake. YUMMY. I really really really loved that day and hope we got to go there again.
Friday, 24 May 2013
The Super Soccer Mum
WALT write in correct paragraph.
My Mum is the best because she is playful. She is playful because she loves to play Soccer. Soccer is her favourite sport to play. We both like to play it together in the backyard. I know my mum is awesome at this sport because she always gets three or four goals, that's in her game. At home she can get eight or nine but I only manage to get two or three goals. I like playing soccer with her.
Jesus Healing
WALT to recall how Jesus healed the sick
Jesus cares for the sick people because we are his brothers and sisters .
We all believe in him.
The Amazing Sketcher
In Room 5 we are learning to sketch using a pencil. First we watched how to sketch because a lot of us did not know how too. Then we got given a sketching pencil to use while we were working. I sketched light to dark and sketched four lines down.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
My amazing night
Monday, 20 May 2013
Clifford the Star
At school I have been given my duffy book and it is called Clifford is a Star. I then read it and this is what it was about.
Clifford the big red dog, and Emily Elizabeth were best friends. They were such best friends that they did everything together. One day a man came over from Hollywood and said, "Clifford would you like to be in one of my movies". Of course he said Yes. As Clifford left Emily Elizabeth waved good bye. Clifford was one of the Hollywood Stars. He felt happy ,until all his fans arrived. So Clifford wanted Peace and quite, but he always had to go to parties. When Emily Elizabeth was watching T.V and saw Clifford, he looked sad. The next day when Emily Elizabeth opened the door Clifford was right there. Now Clifford was really happy
Clifford the big red dog, and Emily Elizabeth were best friends. They were such best friends that they did everything together. One day a man came over from Hollywood and said, "Clifford would you like to be in one of my movies". Of course he said Yes. As Clifford left Emily Elizabeth waved good bye. Clifford was one of the Hollywood Stars. He felt happy ,until all his fans arrived. So Clifford wanted Peace and quite, but he always had to go to parties. When Emily Elizabeth was watching T.V and saw Clifford, he looked sad. The next day when Emily Elizabeth opened the door Clifford was right there. Now Clifford was really happy
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