
Thursday, 11 April 2013

Creating my Positive Digital footprint

In Cyber smart we have been learning how to create a positive digital footprint. We looked up in the web history for  our learning  to record on to our footprint. This is my learning . I especially put my blog in and a lot more.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Palm Sunday

Dear.... Mrs. Richardson

We are learning about Palm Sunday when Jesus came riding into the amazing town of Jerusalem.

On Palm Sunday I saw  Jesus arriving into the town of Jerusalem. People came out of their bedroom cutting the branches off the trees for him. They placed palm leaves and blankets onto the road so Jesus didn't walk over the rocks. All cheered like Jesus was coming in with a limo but he only rode a donkey. He was a really  humble man with not that much money. Others were looking out side their windows waving palm leaves to Jesus. Everyone loved him because he was the one who helped the poor sick and hurt. "Hossana to the king," they all shouted and Jesus was proud. I hope you are well.
From Ella

Friday, 5 April 2013

The life of a seed

Germination is about the life Process of a seed thats about to split.

    It all starts with a single seed. The skin of seed is called a seed
   coat and it breaks open from the roots. Out comes a radicle[the first            root]and digs all the way down in the dirt.
    The seed coat goes up with the Plumule [a young shot] to get lots of light.
   The radicle gathers up lots of
    food for the plants. When it gets lots of water and sunlight
    the plant will grow some leaves on it.

Celebration of Saint Patrick's Day

Mrs. Richardson had the most yummiest game of the day. Our group got told to wash our hands before touching the food. Of course before we start we should put covered shirts on.
Mrs. Richardson said only three lollies and have lots of smooth icing.  I grabbed a  and spread icing all over it. It looked like a girl. It had Two round colourful eyes, a happy mouth, blue skin and little hair. Before giving it to Mrs. Yomul we all had to write our names on a shamrock. I had finished my work so I waited for my group. Suddenly the long bell rang. Our team left to our next class,  room 7.

Amazing Class Dojo

 This is my amazing Class Dojo. I have created a cute Avatar named Chubby. Our teacher gives us points for our behaviour and actions. Sometimes  we get fantastic points but sometimes we get negative ones. This week and last week I have got 100%. The class dojo is about a reflection of our behaviour.