WALT write a recount.
I know I can do this when I can write the events in order.
On Wednesday the 16th of April, we had our very first Duffy assembly for the year. Tony Baloney known as Tony Williams visited Saint Patrick’s School. He explained to us all about writing and reading books. This is what he said “ If you want to write books, you need to understand what you read and if you don’t understand, always look in the dictionary”. He also said “ You need a lot of words in your head to write your own book”. Before you write a book you need to read other books to have more knowledge.
I am a Year 8 student at Saint Patrick's School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Mrs Dines.
Thursday, 17 April 2014
Read, Read, Read!
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
We want to be more like Pope Francis!
WALT use the article to inform people.
I know I can do this when I can do this when I write sentences using information from the article using my own words.
In the article, Pope Francis prayed for all those people who lives in Africa because they have no food, water, protection or shelter. Pope Francis will hold a Mass in the Roman church in Rome.
I know I can do this when I can do this when I write sentences using information from the article using my own words.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Planes vs Ships! How do you Travel?
WALT use the correct writing structure for planes.
I know I can do this when I can give examples of what planes are used for.
The plane is a powered vehicle that flies high up in the air. Planes have one wing on each side of the plane and a tail at the end of the plane. Every time planes land or take off, they release down the wheels.
In the olden, planes had not been invented. Ships were only way to travel around the world. These days planes are huge. Some planes can be big and can carry up to 835 people on each trip. Some planes can be small and can only carry 2 people. When planes are in the sky, it is just like floating on a ship in the sea.
Planes are usually used for transport for people. Planes can also be used for searching for anything and for war. They sometimes are used to transport heavy things from here to there. If you ever travel the best way will be to go on a plane.
Planes are important because planes take you anywhere. On a holiday, visiting your family, delivering things and sometimes to explore. Also, planes are much faster than any other traveling vehicle.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Our very first time exploring Lucidchart Diagrams!
WALT compare the similarities and between Panmure & Glen Innes. I know I can do this when I can make a list of places that are in Panmure and Glen Innes.
Glen Innes,
Saturday, 12 April 2014
Have you asked for Forgiveness yet?

I know I can understand Reconciliation by giving examples of what we need to do during Reconciliation.
Reconciliation may make people feel light, happy, sad or sometimes nervous. This special event is only for people that have received their First Communion. At Reconciliation, we tell the priest our wrong doings . Reconciliation happens on the week before Palm Sunday. We have Reconciliation so we can ask for forgiveness from God for our sins.
Holy communion,
Stations of the cross
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Ways to Communicate with God
WALT use the correct structure to write an explanation writing about prayer.
I know I can do this when I can give examples of ways people can worship God.
Prayer is important because it is a quiet time for communicating to God through your minds and hearts.
Prayer is a Christian's way of communicating to God.
People can pray anywhere, with their families, with their school community and especially at church. We can also communicate to God by reading the bible.
Every prayer time we begin and finish with the sign of the cross. “In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen”. We have to use our right hand to make the sign of the cross. In prayer we can talk to God about what we need help with, about good things that has happened, or about our families. God hears our prayers every time.
We also go to church and pray. At church we sing songs and listen to the priest reading the gospel of the Lord. We also listen to prayers that students read from our school. We always respond with“ Lord hear us”.
Prayer is important because it is a quiet time for communicating to God through your minds and hearts.
Saturday, 5 April 2014
Why do I Hear Sounds?
WALT use the correct writing structure for sound.
I know I have learnt this when I can give examples of why do we hear sounds.
Sound waves are vibrations that travel through the air and can be heard when it reaches a person or animal's ear. Sound waves are also collected by the outer air which can can cause the eardrum to vibrate.
Hearing sounds is important because when we walk near busy roads we are aware of the sounds around us and so we can be careful of our surroundings . Also when we are in danger we can be alert and seek for help if we need too.
I know I have learnt this when I can give examples of why do we hear sounds.
Sound waves are in the medium air. . The human eardrum passes the vibrations through the middle ear bone. The three bones in the human air are called the hammer, anvil and stirrups. The stirrup is known as the smallest bone in your ear.
There is also a bone called stereocilia in your ear. Sound makes the stereocilia rock backwards and forwards. If the sound is too loud, the stereocilia can easily bend and break. If it breaks, it would be damaged and we would not be able to repair it.
Hearing sounds is important because when we walk near busy roads we are aware of the sounds around us and so we can be careful of our surroundings . Also when we are in danger we can be alert and seek for help if we need too.
How do you travel?
WALT use the correct writing structure for buses and trains.
I know I have learnt this when I can explain why buses and trains are important.

Buses are large vehicles that carry people or passengers on the road. Buses are used for the public (which means everyone) and for travelling to places. Trains are the same. Trains are also large vehicles but they travel on something known as railroads or a track.
Bus stops are set up for people to wait for the buses to come. It is where people get picked up or dropped off. Some buses go on long trips to different places, but some just stay within the area.
Train stations are known as the waiting area for trains. At train stations, people can buy tickets for the train. Some trains are for the public to travel on. Other trains are for work or for transporting items from one place to another.
Buses are used for the road. Trains are used on the railroad or track. Trains are large, but buses come in many sizes. Buses and trains travel all day and all night long taking people to work early or taking people that are working late. Some buses can be special because they take you to specific places like, schools or museums.
Buses and trains are important because they help us to travel faster to places by getting their sooner. Buses and trains help us to explore and see different things as well.
Friday, 4 April 2014
First time ever making a collage on Fotor!

I know I can do this when I can insert the photos into the layout.
Thursday, 3 April 2014
How do you respond to God?

Tuesday, 1 April 2014
The Panmure Cottage needs to be maintained
WALT use the correct writing structure to explain the Panmure cottage.
I know I have learnt this when I can tell people about the history of Panmure in my own words.
Since the 19th Century until now, the Panmure cottage has been the only cottage in Panmure. In the 1900’s, the cottage used to be a house for people to live in. Nowadays it is a museum that tells us about the history of Panmure. In the olden days, they had no bathroom and that meant there was no toilet. Instead, they used a long drop (which is a very deep hole in the ground) when they needed to go to the toilet. Every afternoon, the people would go to the long drop. Every morning the people would pour the pee or poop outside. People used to travel on big ships. In fact, it was so big that it could fit around 100 people. It took at least 105 days to travel to another country. A lot of people died on the ship. The Panmure cottage is important because it tells us the history of Panmure, and helps us to appreciate what we have now in present times.
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