In fact, spiders are not insects, they are arachnids. Arachnids are a group of eight-legged (all joined to the body) species and have separated body parts, the head and the abdomen. These species have been on earth for more than 500 million years. That is a very long time. There are known to be 4000, of 500 million spiders.
Spiders were designed with very long, skinny legs. In fact, so long that they are measured to be 8 cm in length. This is the maximum length. Their used are used to move quicker when in trouble or to escape their enemies. As a phrase I would say, ‘the longer, the faster’. Then there’s their fangs located just beneath their eyes. Sometimes they are used as a weapon to bite their enemies, but not all the time. Us humans think of spiders as being harmful species but spiders have the same thought. Everyday spiders will look up at us and think of us as giants, don't you think?
There are 4000 different types of spiders, from small to big. Some of these involve tarantulas, alopecosa, arctosa, pirata, lycosa and pardosa. All these spiders may have different diets. Its really depending on the size I suggest. Smaller spiders prey on wood lice, small lizards, frogs and baby birds, while larger spiders eat fish, small snakes, frogs and lizards.One of the most interesting facts I recommend is that spiders have 1000 babys. Just think about those who struggle with 5 children, imagine having 1000.
Having a spider for a pet is very unusual to have but at the same time okay. It really just depends on your behaviour with spiders. Just don't let them think of you as their enemy.